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Hummingbird Paradise


With more than 1600 species of birds, Ecuador Birding Trips are a  paradise for Birdwatchers. Each of the country’s four geographic regions – the Amazon Basin, the Andes, the Pacific Coast and the Galapagos – offer unique opportunities for seeing endemic and hard-to-find species, all while maximizing your chance to observe and photograph them in their natural surroundings. Imagine dazzling flocks of multicolored Tanagers flitting through the mists of a cloud forest. Envision a family of Torrent Ducks battling the rush of a sparkling mountain stream and the unforgettable sound of a lek of screaming Pihas in the steaming lowlands of Amazonia. Imagine seeing three species of the notoriously secretive antpittas at a special feeding station! Just a few of the unique experiences that await you in Ecuador. For sheer diversity of birds in a short trip, it’s hard to beat Ecuador

Humming bird at feeders on our Ecuador Birding Trip





Trip Highlights

Andean cock of the rock as seen on our Ecuador Birding Trip

1. A eight day trip to some of the best regions of Ecuador , culminating into very rewarding birding trip
2. Explore Amazon – An utterly invigorating excursion into one of the greatest tropical wetlands of the planet
3. Excellent opportunity to photograph & observe various species of Hummingbird
4. Carefully curated selection of the best eco lodges and guides ensuring a wonderful experience.

Humming bird at feeders on our Ecuador Birding Trip

Trip Itinerary

Birdlife of Ecuador observed in the Amazon on our Ecuador birding Trip


Accommodation on sharing basis according to the itinerary
All meals detailed in the itinerary
All transport
Experienced Guides
All park entrances & fees